Saturday, September 13, 2014

Aftermath of Bohol earthquake and Typhoon Yolanda

As we approach the year mark for both the Bohol earthquake and super typhoon Yolanda, which devastated many parts of the central Philippines, I thought it was appropriate to go back and see the progress and rebuilding efforts.  Our first stop will take us from the old Hilton port in Maribago Lapu Lapu to the northern Bohol port of Getafe.  From their we will travel south to Tubigon and on to Tagbilarin.  This trip will bypass the beautiful island of Panglao southeast of Tagbilarin, we'll save that for the next trip.  Also, we will travel up to Talibon, our last place of residence in Bohol, to see how the rebuilding efforts there.  So, be sure to log back in to see updated photos and info on the progress of rebuilding in the Philippines.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's Been Awhile

In case you didn't notice, it's been awhile since my last post...I have taken some time off after our interesting yet stressful Bohol earthquake and Super Typhoon Yolanda, or Typhoon Haiyan for the rest of the globe, back to back natural disasters...We are still in Lapu Lapu City but planning on a return to Bohol later this month...So, make sure you log back in to see updated photos of post recovery Bohol and Leyte...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Typhoon Yolanda, the aftermath and relocation...

Well, after two incredibly trying months, we have relocated back to Mactan Island.  After the Bohol earthquake in early October and then the super typhoon in early November, we are exhausted yet grateful to be safe and healthy.  Just about the time the infrastructure and electric was being restored in Bohol from the earthquake, the typhoon knocked out all chances of normal habitation on the island.  So many lives have been lost and destroyed as a result of these two natural disasters.  We were able to help those closest to us and wish we could do more.  Our one year old daughter is obviously our number one priority and she is adjusting well.  I will update later with photos of the aftermath, the typhoon known as Yolanda...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Super Typhoon Haiyan expected Thursday or Friday...

As many in Bohol are recovering from last months earthquake, weather forecasters are telling those in Bohol and other Visayan Islands to brace for a possible super typhoon.  Though it's early to tell, the projected path brings the storm through the middle Philippine islands with wind speeds in excess of 230kph...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Hannah's Birthday Pig

Our daughter Hannah turned one today, in Filipino tradition we roasted a pig (lechon).